Novel Learning Tasks From Pra ti al
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Theory of the GMM Kernel
We 1 develop some theoreti al results for a robust similarity measure named generalized minmax (GMM). This similarity has dire t appli ations in ma hine learning as a positive de nite kernel and an be e iently omputed via probabilisti hashing. Owing to the dis rete nature, the hashed values an also be used for e ient near neighbor sear h. We prove the theoreti al limit of GMM and the onsisten y...
متن کاملFlexible Musi Retrieval in Sublinear Time
Abstra t. Musi sequen es an be treated as texts in order to perform musi retrieval tasks on them. However, the text sear h problems that result from this modeling are unique to musi retrieval. Up to date, several approa hes derived from lassi al string mat hing have been proposed to ope with the new sear h problems, yet ea h problem had its own algorithms. In this paper we show that a te hnique...
متن کاملRademacher Penalization over Decision Tree Prunings
De ision Tree Prunings Matti K aari ainen and Tapio Elomaa Department of Computer S ien e, University of Helsinki, Finland fmatti.kaariainen,elomaag Abstra t. Radema her penalization is a modern te hnique for obtaining data-dependent bounds on the generalization error of lassi ers. It would appear to be limited to relatively simple hypothesis lasses beause of omputational omple...
متن کاملLearning Relational Features with Backward Random Walks
A path learning algorithm (PRA) has been recently proposed that addresses link prediction tasks on heterogenous graphs using learned combinations of labeled paths. Unlike most statistical relational learning methods, this approach scales to large data sets. In this paper, we extend PRA is terms of expressive power, while maintaining its high scalability. Mainly, we propose to compute backward r...
متن کاملTowards First-Order Random Walk Inference
Path Ranking Algorithm (PRA) addresses classification and retrieval tasks using learned combinations of labeled paths through a graph. Unlike most Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) methods, PRA scales to large data sets but uses a limited set of paths in its models—ones that correspond to short first order rules with no constants. We consider extending PRA in two ways—learning paths that co...
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